Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 10

Dear students,

Wow, last week was weird. First a fire, then rain, and finally snow. I'm glad that we are back and that you have had the time to make final revisions to your multimedia stories.

Monday is action packed! You will each present your projects. Remember, this needs to be a story pitch to the class. Think of us as editors: how are you going to convince us to publish your story?

Presentation Description: Each group will have 5-7 minutes. You will have enough time to pitch your story, tell the readers a highlight of your story, and share a few of your design choices with the audience. Think of this presentation as a pitch to a publisher. You want to convince us not only to read the story but to publish your story.

Criteria for Presentation: 
Effective use of time: Uses time to interest readers and highlight the most important components of the story content and composition.
Purpose: Explains why the story matters to the audiences.
Story: Features part of the story that will highlight key points and interest future readers.
Delivery: Student presentation appears organized, rehearsed, and engaging for the audience.

After class, you will then need to finalize and submit your multimedia story (group project) as well as your strategy essay, which is an individual essay. Remember to be specific about your writing/design/storytelling strategies in this essay. Email me if you have questions.

Wednesday will be chill! But you do have a very short reading and a short reading response.  Read these short "core values" by StoryCore. I also encourage you to read at least one other group's story! Ya'll have done great work. We are going to have some time to talk about what you've learned about your community through these projects. 

Write your last reading response: After reading the set of core values for storytellers, reflect upon your own values as a writer, storyteller, and community member. Then, define 1-2 core values that you hold as a storyteller. Explain a bit about how you enacted this value in your multimedia story. 

Enjoy your classmate's work!
Students Fight for Change.
IV Earth Day
Pets of IV
How to Fall off A Cliff
IV Memories Through Food
Why The Bank Burned
Inside Eric Hansen
Tracing Belongingness: Chinese International Students Profiles. 

Due 12/10: Final Reflection Essay

Week 10

Dear students, Wow, last week was weird. First a fire, then rain, and finally snow. I'm glad that we are back and that you have had th...