
Office Hours: Every week, I will reserve 4 hours so that we have time to talk one-on-one. Monday and Tuesday from 2-4pm and by appointment at other times. These are office hours, and they are a really important and useful resource for students. You can talk to me about readings, writing assignments, follow up on class discussions, challenges you’re having in class or in school generally. If you’re struggling, come talk and I’ll help. If you’re really excited about something you’re learning or writing, come talk to me! I love talking with students about what they care about. My office in in 1516 South Hall

Students with Disabilities: I am committed to ensuring that all students have the resources and opportunities that they need to succeed in this class. Let’s discuss how we can work together to create a learning environment that is conducive for your education.

Providing academic accommodations to students with disabilities is a shared responsibility of the campus. Students with disabilities are responsible for ensuring that the Disabled Students Program (DSP) is aware of their disabilities and for providing DSP with appropriate documentation. DSP is located at 2120 Student Resource Building and serves as the campus liaison regarding issues and regulations related to students with disabilities. The DSP staff works in an advisory capacity with a variety of campus departments to ensure that equal access is provided to all disabled students. Find out more here

First Generation Students: UCSB has some great resources for first generation students. I was a first generation student. And college can create some additional challenges for first gen students. I get it. I’ve been there. However, you’re not alone. I am here to help. Also, UCSB has excellent resources for 1st Gen students, including the events and kind people over at ONDAS

Transfer Students: The transition from community college to UCSB can be tough. There are different expectations and policies. If you are a transfer student, UCSB has additional resources for you! Contact the Transfer Student Center to learn more.

Counseling Services: College is a very special time in your life, and it can also include some new and unique challenges. CAPS is here to help you. If you’ve never been before, I recommend just stopping by and making an appointment. Life can be tough. It’s normal and good to ask for help every once and awhile. Please contact Counseling and Psychological Services. For information, please call (805-­893-­4411) or visit their web site w​​.

Food Security: You need to eat! Every day, in fact. Nearly all UCSB students are eligible for weekly food for free from the AS Food Bank. They have fresh and healthy food and all you need to do is swing by and pick it up. More info here

Writing/Learning Support CLAS offers workshops and tutoring for writers. The tutors are trained to help you improve as a writer, but they are not there to edit your paper. I encourage everyone to go to CLAS, if you want additional support to improve as a writer.

Librarians: The librarians also look forward to helping students with research. In fact, they go to years of school just to learn how to best help students research. So go by, say hi, ask questions. You can even chat them online.

Week 10

Dear students, Wow, last week was weird. First a fire, then rain, and finally snow. I'm glad that we are back and that you have had th...